this year's event:

Oooen VII

The Competitors


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2007 - the competitors

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Ooopen VII - Austin, TX

The Lone Star Shootout

The 2008 Ooopen Championship will be held Friday, October 10 through Sunday, October 12.

Here is the itinerary:

Ooopen 2008: The Lone Star Shootout

You'll probably notice there are only three golf courses listed there instead of our traditional four. Well, the downside of all the course maintenance going on in Austin is that the 36 hole facilities aren't actually 36 hole facilities next week. We decided that rather than trying to race between two subpar courses not on the same location we would instead play two rounds at one course that is close to the house (Falconhead). In order to make things more interesting, this also means we will play the scramble on Saturday morning. Thus our format is:

Friday: Fourball. Teams of two play their own ball, taking the best handicapped score. Match play.
Saturday AM: Scramble. Two four-man, one two-man.
Saturday PM: Acey/Deucey. Teams of two play their own ball. Match best and worst handicapped scores, one point for hi and low.
Sunday: Singles. Mano a mano.

There will be two teams of six players. Teams will be selected on Thursday night in a live drawing. Each team will have two players from the A flight, two from the B flight, and two from the C flight. Players have been allocated to each flight based on their most recent handicap indices. In order to insure balanced teams we have handcuffed some players.

Tyler Curtis (6), Will Wiseman (6*), Jordan Weinstein (6), Greg Dooley (5*), Bobby Swennes (5*), Drew "The Gonz" Fine (3), Chris Daniels (2*), Tim Doyle (2), Matt Lunn (1), Sri Tella (1), Rupert Dooley (2), Tyler Hobbs (R),

* Former Ooopen MVP

Flight A:
Hobbs, Fine, G. Dooley, Curtis
Flight B:
Wiseman, R. Dooley, Doyle, Weinstein
Flight C:
Daniels, Lunn, Tella, Swennes

There will be four rounds of play with 14 matches.

Friday: Fourball (AA vs AA, BB vs BB, CC vs CC)
Saturday AM: Four-man scramble (ABCC vs ABCC), Two-man scramble (AB vs AB)
Saturday PM: Acey/Deucey (AB vs AB, BC vs BC, AC vs AC)
Sunday: Singles (Call Outs)

Fourball, acey/deucey, and singles matches will be handicapped. Fourball and singles will be match play while both scrambles will be stroke play. Acey/deucey is like fourball, except both the high and low scores are matched on each hole; the winner of the high and low each earn 1 point. For the four-man scramble each player is required to contribute three tee shots. Teams will decide on their pairings in the fourball, acey/deucey, and scramble formats. For singles play matchups will be determined by "call-outs." If you've seen The Contender, this makes sense. If not, we'll explain on Thursday night.

The standard rules of golf apply, with the following exceptions:

Out-of-bounds: OB will be played like a lateral hazard, however, unlike a lateral hazard you will not be allowed to play a shot from OB in order to avoid the one stroke penalty. You must take one of the three drop options available: the spot of the original swing; two club lengths from the point of entry into OB, no closer to the hole; on a line keeping the hole and the point of entry into OB, no closer to the hole.

Mulligan: In the singles match each player may use a mulligan for any shot not played from the green or the fringe. The player must declare their intention to play a mulligan immediately after their shot. They may NOT wait for their opponent to hit the next shot before deciding whether to take their mulligan.

Rain – Should it rain during any match, the teams will decide whether to play through the rain or wait it out. Should rain or lightning result in the failure to complete a match, the current result of the match will be used if at least 12 holes have been completed. If less than 12 holes have been completed, the match will result in a draw, regardless of current score.

Tiebreaker -- Should the matches end 7.5-7.5 the following tiebreakers will be used. First, we’ll use cumulative scores on par 3s for the singles matches. Second, cumulative birdies made during the singles matches. Third, we Rochambeau.

