our little ones
our little ones
our little ones
our little ones
our little ones
As were the 20+ other kids there.
We had lots to celebrate in December with Hanukkah, the big birthday party, and Christmas...time flies when you’re having fun!
December Celebrations
Happy Ty
Jackson and Ty were excited about our annual
Norman-Weinstein Birthday Extravaganza
Turning 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1...get it?
The Birthday Boys and Girls
Whose idea was the blue frosting?
Yum! Cake!
Silly Jackson
The boys were definitely into Hanukkah this year.
I’m not sure which they liked better...
the presents or the fire.
The fire.
Christmas morning
Jackson tries his hand at fondue
Ty hangs some ornaments too!
Santa brought the boys their very first bikes!
Ty was pretty excited about it.
It wouldn’t have been the same without Auntie Lisie...
We were happy that Heather could share part of the day with us too.
...and Gramma - here for our first “real Christmas” (read: “Christmas that we didn’t have a baby”) at home in NC
What a great way to end the year!
Getting ready for Christmas!
(I have no idea why he has no shirt on...December in North Carolina isn’t THAT warm.)
Of course, we also celebrated Jackson’s fourth birthday.