our little ones
our little ones
our little ones
our little ones
our little ones
Getting strong!
Lila is learning to go with the flow, even though sometimes it seems more like a raging rapid than a bubbling brook.
April Showers (of activity)
It’s official...we’re smitten.
Ty joins in for Tummy Time
Yes, Daddy. You’ve mentioned the Phillies have four ace pitchers this year.
...and gets to meet Uncle Asher and Aunt Bubbles!
Our big fat Weinstein-Schaffer-Weinstein family
Passover Seder
PopPop Steve tells Jackson about the afikomen
Looking lovely
Dreaming of Prince Charming?
Or - more likely - nursing.
Lila reclines during the seder
Nana Karin and Jackson plant flowers
Hopefully he will have Karin’s green thumb!
Tummy Time for everyone!
Lila meets Uncle Greggor
A sample of Ty’s post-nap bedhead. It’s amazing!
Jackson was excited (VERY excited) for the start of...
He batted 1000!
(They make sure every kid gets a hit every time)
Ty can’t wait to play!
Aggressive on the defense
Ty does his best Groucho Marx impression
Lila snuggles with Nana Karin...
Amazing little fingers
Curly after the bath!
Ty “hunts” for Easter eggs
The boys were more excited than they look in this photo about filling their Easter baskets.
Lounging at Lunch (in Charlotte’s sunglasses)
We spent a lovely Easter weekend with
the Normans in Kiawah, SC.
Lila takes a break from the sun
Back home. The boys are REALLY into
their trains these days!
What a sweet big brother!
Let me down, Mom! I want to run!
Jackson works on his swimming...
...and builds an island on the beach with Charlotte
I guess this is a battle that’s not worth fighting.
Can this many photos really be necessary?
You’re still taking my picture?!?!
Ty thinks the pool needs a little more water