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Jackson turns 18 months...
...and the world is his oyster




Jackson has so much fun with the littlest things.
Rain on the porch table...what could be better?


Tickle torture by Daddy


On safari...in the front yard.


Look! A rock! Have you ever seen anything like it??


The cats still provide endless amusement.


We went to the beach over Memorial Day weekend...


Oooooooo! The ocean!


Waves are awesome!


And sand is pretty fun too.


Jackson catches up on his reading with Uncle Lou and Aunt Tracey...


...and takes his first stab at golf.
It's harder than it looks!


More waves


More sand


Hey there hot stuff...



Family photo...awwww.




Tuckered out from a fun weekend.




Looking for a ride to the Phillies game




Jackson is getting to be a big boy!!




He is already learning to drive...




...and even reads the paper.
Maybe next month he'll get a job!